The Thurgarton Village Email Service, which has been in operation since 2007, is a free service which supplies news and information to the residents of Thurgarton. Emails are sent out on a regular basis, keeping you informed about:
- Important information from the Parish Council
- Neighbourhood Watch alerts
- News and information from Thurgarton Community Association (TCA)
- News and information from village clubs and societies
- Events that are happening in Thurgarton and neighbouring villages
- Village outings
- Lost and found, including cats and dogs, etc.
- Charity events taking place in the village or organised/completed by village residents
The service cannot be used to advertise items for sale/free, job vacancies, or for the sending of emails which promote profit making businesses or companies. However, adverts can be placed in the village newsletter, Thurgarton People, at a reasonable cost.
Email details are kept private and confidential so names and email addresses will not be displayed for others to see and you are able to unsubscribe from the service at any time. Your email address will not be shared with a third party, nor will it be used for purposes other than subscription to the Village Email Service.
To subscribe to the service, you need to provide your name, email address and street name (we don’t need your full address). Please click here to subscribe to the Village Email Service.
How to send an email to village residents
Send an email to and include the following information:
- Your name
- The subject of the email
- The information/text that you wish to send out
- Your contact details, e.g. email address and phone number
- Any attachments that you need to send with the email
The person who requests the email to be sent is responsible for the quality and accuracy of the information contained in the email.
The email sending service is not monitored on a daily basis. Where possible emails will be sent within 4 days of receiving them so please make sure you allow sufficient time. If an email needs sending out quickly we will endeavour to meet the response time, however we can offer no guarantee that the email will be sent in the required timescales.
Responding to a village email
Please do not ‘reply’ directly to a village email as it will not reach the person who requested the email to be sent. Instead, you should use the contact details included with the email (e.g. phone number or email address) to get in touch with the person who requested the email to be sent out.
Any replies sent to will not be forwarded on to the person who requested the email to be sent out.
Unsubscribing from the village email service
You can unsubscribe from the email service at any time. To unsubscribe please send an email to with the word unsubscribe in the text.
Safe Sender Setup
Many email applications contain filters to protect you from spam email. Sometimes, an email message that you wish to receive is incorrectly judged as spam and is sent to your junk folder, however you can take action to ensure that the messages you want do come into your inbox. Please click here for setup instructions.