Precept for 2024/25….A full budget for the coming year was agreed. It was then agreed that the precept would be increased by around £10 per household per year, this makes a total of £ 15,266, which is the tax that the Parish Council will spend upon maintenance and improvements in the parish.
Governance Documents….an updated version of the Thurgarton Parish Council Standing Orders was approved, a copy of this will be available on the village web site very soon.
A Third Defibrillator….is now installed outside the Village Hall, adding to one outside the Red Lion, which has recently been renewed, and another in Thurgarton Cricket ground. All are accessed via a 999 call.
Thurgarton Emergency Plan (TEP)….was again invoked on Jan 2nd because of flooding. Thanks are sent to all of the volunteers who turned out once again. 5 new volunteers have recently join the TEP team. Any parishioners who would like to join the TEP as new volunteers should make themselves known to the Clerk at
Village Meeting 7th February….following the recent flood events all parishioners are invited to a village meeting to be held at the Village Hall on Wednesday 7th February, to commence at 7:30pm. At this meeting guest speakers from Notts County Council (NCC) and the Trent Valley Internal Drainage Board (TVIDB) will provide advice and information and an opportunity to ask questions. The TVIDB will outline the long term flood mitigation solution for the village, which is planned for installation in 2024, NCC will provide information about household flood resilience and the Parish Council will describe the Thurgarton Emergency Plan. Free refreshments will be served.
Parish Survey….the deadline for responses to the Parish Survey has been extended to 18th February. If you have not yet completed this short survey then please do so at which will take no more than 5 minutes. The Parish survey is undertaken every few years to ensure that the Parish Council is on-track and working towards objectives as stated by the local community. The survey seeks opinions and mandates from the Parish to gauge how the precept should be spent and what parishioners would really like to happen in their village. All participants will enter the draw for a £40 voucher at The Red Lion which will be drawn at the February Parish Council meeting
Date of Next Meeting….the next meeting of Thurgarton Parish Council will be on Thursday, 22nd February at 7:30pm, this will be a public meeting at the Village Hall.
Tina Tsoukatos, Chair, Thurgarton Parish Council